Monday, April 12, 2010

OMG! I HEART Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The movie I chose to watch was Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It is one of my favorite adolescent movies and my fiance never lets me watch it, so I told him I needed to do it for class :) The movie is about four siblings during a war that go to live with a family. The house is very big and mysterious. During a game of hide-and-seek, Lucy (the youngest) finds a secret entry to a fantasy world called Narnia through the back of a Wardrobe. Eventually all four siblings enter the fantasy world. While there, they discover that a witch has turned the world cold and evil and that there is a prophecy that the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve will come to take back control of Narnia, bringing peace to the land. With the help of Aslan(the lion ruler) and other fantasy creatures, the four children are able to fulfill the prophecy, but not without danger and betrayal.

This movie is attractive to adolescents for several reasons. The first is that the majority of young adults like fantasy movies. They like getting lost in the imagination and becoming a part of a different and interesting world. I also think most adolescents can relate to atleast one of the main characters. Each character is very different and has a key role in the movie. For example, Edmund is a little mischevious and makes some bad decisions, but in the end is so brave and helps his family win. Lucy on the other hand is gentle and kind, but maybe too trusting. I think adolescents like seeing kids as the heros in a movie. Finally, students would probably really enjoy the graphics in this movie. The filmmaking side of it is truly amazing. The war scene is very intense and the graphics are very believable.

Obviously I would recommend this movie to any adolescent, especially those that enjoy fantasy. I think it is an exciting adventure that keeps you on your seat and interested the whole time.


  1. Have you thought about the Christian themes in this movie? The lion allowing himself to be tortured, humiliated,killed, and finally reborn, is a metaphor for the Christ story.

  2. I really, really, really loved the Chronicle books, but the movie was BAD so bad in my opinion. I would rather watch the cartoon of it (it is way better) then ever see a single one of those movies!!!! I was so excited for the movie to come out, went opening night (I never do that).... and I almost cried I was so upset... sorry.

    I have often heard people talk about the "Christian themes" in those books, but when I read them in grade school all of that went over my head, and even when I read them all again b/f the movie came out. There are actually people who won't let their children read/watch the books/movies b/c of that... which I don't understand... same with Harry Potter, and thousands of other GREAT books. It's sad.

    Anyway thanks for the post,


  3. Well, I must say that I am a huge fan of the book and the movie and the cartoon! They all are wonderful in their own ways! In fact, for my elective class (Film and Literature) I have the students read the book and watch the movie. They absolutely love them both and really have a great time! It is also a book I can get reluctant readers to read!
    Great movie choice!! :)

  4. Yes I was unpopular the day I told a class of 4th & 5th graders I didn't like it. We ended up talking about it for 15 minutes! Some great conversations came about.
